Mech Tech Glock Installation Guide and Specs
This guide provides important information that you will want to read before the purchase of a MechTech CCU

The CCU’s fit Glock frames that are Sub-Compact (G26, G27, G29, G30), Compact (G19, G19X, G23, G32, G45), Standard (G17, G22, G24, G31, G34, G35) and Large (G20, G40, G21, G41). Generation doesn't matter (must specify Gen 5 upon ordering), but the front rail size does for some Gen 1 pistols – see the picture and note below. Compensated and SF versions only affect the barrel/slide and grip size respectively, they will work just fine with the CCU. If you have a G31 or G32 you can only order the CCU in 9mm or 40S&W.
Glock used the same frame mold for 9mm & 40SW in a given size. For example, a G-17 9mm is the same frame as a G-22 40SW. The same is true of 45ACP and 10mm frames. They come out of the same mold.
If you have a pistol of one caliber and want to get a CCU in the other caliber your frame is used for, you can. Just be sure to use magazines for that caliber. When ordering a CCU, order it for the pistol model that matches the frame size and caliber you want.
45ACP pistols can be ordered for 45Super. Set up that way they will shoot both 45Super and 45ACP. 460Rowland is NOT available for the Glock model CCU/PCU.
For ease of installation please view our demonstration video:
*Again, make sure your magazine caliber matches the barrel caliber of your CCU.
This information is provided only to illustrate the flexibility of the Mech Tech CCU.
Caution: the foregoing does not imply that a Glock pistol designed for a given cartridge can safely shoot a different cartridge by simply switching the magazine – this is dangerous – do not try it! Likewise a CCU Upper can safely fire only the cartridge for which it is designed!
If further clarification is needed please contact Mech Tech Systems LLC 406-272-8315

If your early model Glock frame (primarily some Gen 1 G-17, maybe a few Gen 1 G-22, but NOT ANY OTHER MODELS) has a front tab length longer than the red line dimension then it will not fit our CCU. The tabs, metal and possibly plastic (as shown in the picture) are what engage the slot in the pistol’s slide. If your frame doesn’t have any plastic tab, just the metal tab, your frame will work.
Aftermarket Triggers: Sometimes aftermarket triggers, while they work fine with the pistol slide and barrel, don’t work with the CCU. The problem is not consistent enough to say that XYZ Trigger will not work with the CCU. Due to tolerance stacking your aftermarket trigger MAY not work with the CCU. The CCU is designed to work with factory triggers.
CCU vs Pistol Slide: There is no last round hold open with the CCU. With the CCU attached your pistol and drop safeties still work.
Cominolli Safety: The CCU and this manual safety do work together, however, they do interfere with each other a little bit. The Telestock will only fully collapse if the safety is off. In the on position the safety lever blocks the rod of the Telestock from moving forward.
Frame Only Options:If you are looking for a frame that you can dedicate to the CCU, and don’t want to purchase a complete pistol there are a few options our customers have used. They can be found at,, and In either case you will need to put a standard, 5.5lb trigger in the frame. Both companies sell acceptable triggers.

The Feed Ramp is placed in the Glock lower. This item is necessary for proper feeding. There are 3 sizes – specify Glock model when ordering. One Feed Ramp comes with each CCU. A small magnet keeps the ramp in place during assembly/disassembly.When the upper is in place the ramp is trapped.
Large Feed Ramp (GBL) Glock 17/34 9mm, Glock 22/35 40S&W, Glock 20/40 10mm, Glock 21/41 45ACP. Glock 31 Chambered in 9mm or 40S&W (.357Sig is no longer supported, but the Glock 31 frame can be used on a CCU chambered in 9mm or 40S&W)
Compact Feed Ramp (GBC) Glock 19 9mm, Glock 26 9mm, Glock 23 40S&W, Glock 27 40S&W, Glock 29 10mm, Glock 30 45ACP. Glock 32 Chambered in 9mm or 40S&W (.357Sig is no longer supported, but the Glock 32 frame can be used on a CCU chambered in 9mm or 40S&W)
Gen 5 Feed Ramp (GB Gen.5) All Gen 5 models: Glock 20 10mm, Glock 21 45 acp, Glock 17/34 9mm, Glock 19 9mm, Glock 19X 9mm, Glock 26 9mm, Glock 45 9mm.
NOTE: Factory Loaded Ammunition Only. Mech Tech recommends only using good quality factory loaded ammunition in the CCU which meets SAAMI, CIP or NATO standards. The CCU is a blowback operated action and is capable of safely firing ammunition up to +P. DO NOT USE +P+ or ‘hotter’ loads.
NOTE: “Glock” is a registered trade name and Mech Tech Systems LLC is not affiliated with Glock. Glock has not endorsed the CCU and the fact that Mech Tech Systems LLC provides the CCU as a Glock accessory in no way is intended to imply that Glock sanctions or is in any way associated with the product.